Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015)


road, frame CFRP (carbon), wheels 28", rigid fork, transmission with external switching, 22 atk., rear brake hydraulic disc

General information (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
Release date on the market 2015
Class highway
Women's bike
Teenage bike
Frame (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
Frame material the carbon fiber (carbon fiber)
Frame type closed
Foldable frame
Rear shock
Frame color black
Plug (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
The plug type hard
Transmission (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
Sprocket rear
Drive type chain
Transmission type with external switch
Number of speeds 22
System Cannondale Hollowgram
The number of stars in the system 2
The number of Num. of teeth in the stars system 34 - 50
Cassette Shimano Ultegra
The number of stars in the cassette 11
The number of Num. of teeth in the stars cassette 11 - 32
Carriage FSA
Front switch Shimano Ultegra
Rear derailleur Shimano Ultegra
Chain Shimano
Shifters (shifter) (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
Shifters Shimano
Type manitok highway
Brakes (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
Front brake Shimano
Type front brake hydraulic disk
Rear brake Shimano
Type rear brakes hydraulic disk
The diameter brake discs 140 mm
Wheels (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
The diameter of the wheels 28 "
Front hub Mavic
Rim MAVIC Aksium
Tires Mavic
Tread pattern polyline
The wheel (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
The wheel Cannondale C2
Steering type highway
Gipsy ergonomic
Saddle (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
Type saddle sports
Trim (Cannondale Synapse Carbon Ultegra Di2 Disc (2015))
Front flap
Back shield
Protection circuit
The trunk
Rear view mirror
Bell or horn
Model grips Cannondale
Depreciation saddle
Rear hub Mavic
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